القائمة الرئيسية


There are a number of common causes of ear blockage discussed above, most of which are either spontaneous or occur due to a medical problem. However, the least common cases can be due to increased cholesterol.


Allergies may lead to external and central ear infections, leading to ear cramps, itching, pain, burning and sometimes ear discharge. This is because the immune system interacts abnormally with other harmless substances known as allergens. It is especially good for children who suffer from allergic rhinitis. Water, shampoos and other ingredients may also cause inflammation due to irritation of the ear tissue rather than allergies.


Infection causes inflammation due to bacteria and fungi and the incidence of external or middle ear infection. Symptoms of external ear infections tend to appear with exposure to water and other forms of external ear irritation. Osteoarthritis is also common in children. The symptoms of the infection are similar to allergies but are added to the infection.

Ear Glue

Ear glue is the condition in which fluid accumulates inside the middle ear. The exact reason for this, is happening and continues and can not be determined. It is recommended that this condition occurs for people with allergies and those who become more susceptible to ear infections. It is believed that ear glue is associated with the obstruction of the ustachian tube, usually known as the buildup of fluid in the middle ear and for the removal of it in the back of the nose.



This condition occurs when flights and because of atmospheric pressure and the problem is due to a difference in the pressure of the ear between the inner ear and external. Often there is an obstruction of the ustachian tube which prevents air pressure from settling and can have a similar effect when swimming.

Ear wax

Excessive wax in the ear can cause ear blockage, but it is uncommon. Occurs due to the accumulation of wax in the external ear repeatedly and eventually form an ear occlusion. But be careful of frequent cleaning of earwax because it is dangerous and result in injury to the ear.


Causes of ear blockage

The external ear, specifically the ear canal and the eardrum, usually occur when trying to clean the ear deeply from the abscess caused by the cotton buds, but it can occur when someone inserts solid and sharp objects into the ear canal. This may include a pen, key, hair pin, or matchstick. Among the things that affect the ear are exposure to loud sounds that cause trauma to the eardrum.


When there are strange objects in the ear and are common in young children who insert strange things in the ear. Contrary to common belief, it is unusual for insects to enter the ear canal because earwax is a natural repellent to insects. However, in rare cases small insects may enter and die inside the ear canal, but this is rare.

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