القائمة الرئيسية


Three of every four adults suffer from itching, inflammation and haemorrhage at some point in their lives. These habits make them more likely to get infected. So you should stop doing these habits and keep away from them so as not to expose yourself to the problems of persistent hemorrhoids and pain and bleeding hemorrhoids.

(1) lifting heavy weights

You may think that it does not hurt to lift the couch from one end and to pull it up, but this may cause you an extra burden. This will increase pressure on the rectum, causing the veins to inflate, such as the balloon (called hemorrhoidal plexus).
اقرا ايضاCauses of hemorrhoids
اقرا ايضاmeaning of the word mbs

Hemorrhoids worsen: Unfortunately, there is no sure way to avoid this completely. Weight lifting as it is known using knees and not the back can help.

(2) Do not be ambitious in the gym

For the same reason, lifting a large box can cause hemorrhoids, as well as lifting excessive weights excessively in the gym, as explained by Dr. Brenner, the idea that you challenge yourself of course but make sure that the exercises you exercise suit your abilities, and the use of weights and exercises appropriate to you, To exercise.

 (3) Sit on the toilet for long periods

Sit on the toilet for long periods


When you look at what causes hemorrhoids to take into account the length of sitting on the toilet, it is certainly nice to hang with the smart phone bath, the place is very calm to relax there, but sitting for long periods on the open toilet bowl and because of gravity will put pressure on her on these veins, Dr.Brnberb go to the bathroom whenever you like, but once you have to hurry to get out of the bathroom, but if you spend a long time in the emptying because you suffer hard, here is how to move these things.

(4) The diet is deficient

If you eat a lot of junk food or rely on canned snacks throughout the day, it means that you do not get enough fiber, which is essential nutrients that help to aggregate and soften the stool so that you can navigate through the digestive system on the nose, and studies show that supplementation with fiber helps to reduce symptoms Hemorrhoids, although it may take more than one month to be given its effect and how to get more fiber in the diet.

(5) Constipation

If you go less than three times a week to the bathroom, you may be suffering from constipation. This constipation is one of the most powerful causes of chronic hemorrhoids and permanent pain. You can easily stop suffering from constipation to protect yourself from hemorrhoids by constantly adding water to your day. Drink more than 10 glasses of water a day. You should also eat raw vegetables that are not cooked daily and the power is sufficient. Try to exercise at least half an hour a day and you will find that constipation stops and therefore will not suffer from hemorrhoids later.
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