القائمة الرئيسية


Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are prominent and swollen veins in the anus and in the lower part of the rectum. It is the result of an effort during the bowel operation or as a result of severe pressure on these veins, such as during pregnancy, for example.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Bleeding, painless, during bowel action. Sometimes, little red blood can be seen on toilet paper or on the toilet basin
    Itching or irritation in the anus area
    Pain or discomfort
    Distant and protruding hemorrhoids outside the anus
    Excessive swelling around the anus
    A painful or sensitive lump, next to the anus
    Leakage of stool

I am hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids: Symptoms of hemorrhoids located within the rectum. It can not be seen or felt, usually does not cause discomfort. But the effort or burning, when crossing the faeces may lead to injury to the outer surface of the exact hemorrhoids, causing bleeding. Sometimes, especially when the effort is made, the internal hemorrhoids may rush outward, that is, out of the anus. These are called "prominent hemorrhoids" or "descending hemorrhoids", and can cause pain and itching (irritability).
    External hemorrhoids: They are located under the skin, around the anus. The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids, irritation and irritation can cause itching or bleeding. Sometimes, blood may clog the external hemorrhoids and pull them inwards, forming a thrombus (thrombus) that causes severe pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids

external hemorrhoids : In general, there is no need or recommendations for treatment by invasive procedures or surgeries for patients with external hemorrhoids, except in case of thrombosis. In general, patients who have been examined within 72 hours of thrombosis are usually removed by a simple operation such as opening, to significantly reduce pain.

On the other hand, some doctors believe that there is a preference for surgery to remove these hemorrhoids to prevent frequent occurrence of thrombosis.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids

As mentioned above, hemorrhoids are treated independently by their condition and hemorrhoids.
Surgical treatment and removal of hemorrhoids

If other procedures fail to treat hemorrhoids and do not achieve the desired results, or if the hemorrhoids are large, the doctor is likely to recommend surgery for treatment. Some surgeries may be performed in outpatient clinics, while others are required to stay in the hospital for one night:

  • Closed hemorrhoidectomy
  •     Open hemorrhoidectomy
  •     Hemorrhoidectomy by stapling
  •     The process of connecting the axial artery guided by ultrasound (Doppler)
  •     The procedure of internal internal sphincterotomy.
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